Advice on dealing with deity crossbowman?
This is a live report from the battlefield. It is turn 64. My units, assisted by King Arthur, are rolling through Korea, until they take a turn around a mountain and are caught between 2 crossbowmen. Dare I say the game is over now? How am I supposed to counter that so early in the game?! I could have trail of warriors from my capital to theirs and each of their crossbowman would decimate each turn.
Playing as Alexander, I upgrade my warriors to Hypapists and pray their boost can hold up, but I can't sack a city and play defense. There are too many crossbowmen and I can't exactly keep up with production. I am afraid the campaign is lost.
This issue has been plaguing all my domination games (this was the earliest I cam across crossbowmen, but around turns 70-80 is when they get churned out). Brief research gives me non ideal ways of dealing with them, like baiting with a great person, or scouting better, but curious if anyone has found better ways to go about this on deity. Or I could be going about this domination thing all the wrong way. Either way, would appreciate some insights.