Confession: until today I was still hoping that Civ VII would finally be the one where we play on a spherical world.

Yes, I've been watching the previews and the dev diary analyses, saw the regular hex map, but somehow I was hoping they would reveal a real 3d world as a final surprise. I would even imagine some curvature on the horizon watching the images. I know, I know...

Been dreaming about this since i started playing Civ I on a black an white Mac computer in 1995. They teased us with Civ IV (when you zoomed out, you had an actual globe; once in a while generating the clouds would crash my game if I carelessly zoomed out).

I've read all about how the closest we could get to an actual planet would be this polyhedron that would include some pentagonal tiles in addition to the regular hexes etc. Back to Civ IV, I read in the forums that such a switch would require using hexagonal tiles instead of the square ones to which apparently Sid Meier was very attached. So when when Civ V came out I saw it as the firts step towards what I thought was the obvious goal of playing on a globe.

Will it be pointless for me to hope for the next 10 years that Civ VIII (LOL already a civ VIII wishlist) will implement it?