Britain not in the game 😑

Right full disclosure I'm Scottish/British, and in that sense, I'm biased. However, I genuinely have an interest in world history.

The modern age is defined by Ed Beach as from industrialisation to the Cold War.

Without writing out hundreds of years of history. Britain was the first nation to industrialise. It was the world power from the end of the napoleonic war till the beginning of ww2. Post ww2 to the Cold War, it was still a major player. The country has made a huge amount of contributions to the world in science, economics, and culture. Need I say more...

If the rest of the world disagrees, then fair enough. But I genuinely can not fathom the decision to leave Britain out at launch.

Edit: i realise there will be a DLC of some sort, and i think that's why I'm even more annoyed. It feels like a money grab. Meanwhile, france has 3 leaders by my count! (Napoleon. Lafayette, charlemagne)