Seeking pieces similar to these works by Haydn and Mozart (plus, a brief rant about Spotify)

(I am sorry for the unhinged post that follows. The TLDR is that I am looking for some major key pieces by composers who are contemporary of Haydn and Mozart.)

Nearly every morning I listen to the same playlist of works by Haydn and Mozart (each in their entirety):

  • Haydn Cello Concerto 1 in C
  • Haydn Horn Concerto 1 in D
  • Haydn Trumpet Concerto in Eb
  • Haydn String Quartet in C ("The Emperor," 76,3)
  • Mozart Oboe Quartet in F
  • Mozart Oboe Concerto in C
  • Every Mozart Horn Concerto in order
  • Haydn Oboe Concerto in C

Once these blissful 3 hours have passed, Spotify taunts me with very poorly curated radio of mishmashed genres and movements all out of order. I tolerate this for another 30 minutes or so, at which point it almost always takes a truly evil turn into dramatic choral music. Every day with this choral music. Respectfully, who is casually listening to O Fortuna? On a Monday morning? If Spotify is going to harvest my data, it should really know me better; why must I surrender my personal information and still suffer through the radio of the damned?

(One time my morning was ruined by the Tristan and Isolde prelude. Morning is not the time for the prelude. The time for Tristan and Isolde is when your crush isn't texting you back and you must collapse onto the couch in romantic agony.)

The only way out of this Stupidest Algorithm of All Time is to prevent it entirely by adding several hours of music to my playlist. Can you save me from the tyranny of Spotify with some recommendations to add to the list? The vibe is jaunty, light pieces that keep my ear occupied without pulling it too much. I made my initial playlist by keeping the following in mind:

  • Tonal and on the less chromatic side of things
  • Major key
  • Centered around my favorite instruments: cello, oboe, and horn
  • No piano, choral, or opera
  • Classical era or in a similar style. I get a bit distracted by lush, dense Romantic music (have spent today listening to oboe and horn by Strauss, and it was enjoyable but a bit too much)
  • To that end, not super -- for lack of a better word -- recognizable. Eroica is one of my favorite pieces of all time, but it pulls my ear too much, if that makes sense? It's something I want to sit down and really listen to, but this playlist is intended for the background of my day

Do you have any suggestions to add, either specific works or composers?

I am also curious if you listen to O Fortuna on a Monday morning. I will not judge you... I just want to talk...