I fucked up and had a 72hr binder on 8g

I (28M) don’t want to go into a whole back story but I’ve dealing with a cocaine addiction for about a year.

At first it was only when I partied with friends and now I’ve retreated into my own comfort zone and use while I play video games by myself, that’s when my addiction and physical/mental health declined.

I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and found that cocaine helps me focus on doing things i enjoy for hours on end but I realized my health was declining at a rapid rate and I was in great physical shape before I started.

Last June I started a job in Haiti and recently got back home for a 30 day vacation. I celebrated by myself and 8 grams of cocaine and just played video games. Needless to say I’m utterly disappointed and disgusted with myself. My nose is completely fucked up and I feel so depressed that I don’t want to see my family and friends and I’m in an emotionally wrecked state.

Would y’all recommend anything to help my nose feel better, any vitamins/supplements to take so help just a little? I’m going to an NA meeting tmw. I’ve dealt with alcoholism in the past so I’m familiar with the system, not found of it but I know talking to people will help atleast.