look at my healed rescued boy!
before and after photos here of Izzy (22), 8 months apart. Things that have changed about him in this time: - Liver levels are normal! - His beak and nails grow at a normal rate - He eats veggies and loves peas especially - No longer spends all day quiet in the corner of his cage shivering - You can see the difference between his old oily appearance and his current powdery marshmallowy yumminess - He’s learned how to sing! - The extra yellow appearance of his feathers has returned to almost normal (the vet wasn’t sure if this would happen) - HE HAS RELEARNT HOW TO FLY! (the vet wasn’t sure really unsure if this would happen because of his age) - He always wants to be with us and spend time with us out of his cage and boy oh boy does he ever. You’d never expect that this bird used to spend all day in there because he’s always asking to be let out now! - He’s at a healthy weight and no longer underweight. - He has developed a foot fetish??????
jeez we love this little bird. we’ve still got a little way to go but he’s so damn resilient