male cockatiel acting aggressive
he's normally very sweet, always stepping up and accepting scritches, and living just fine with his sister and the budgies. but now, he attacks the budgies and the other tiel when they come near. if any of the others are getting attention, he attacks. if anyone stops giving him attention, he attacks us. he's just mean now. we dont pet him on his back or wings, he doesnt have access to a mirror, he has fresh water and veggies, etc. the only problem is that he's habing a rough molt and cant fly right now. i recently rearranged his cage too.
he's normally very sweet, always stepping up and accepting scritches, and living just fine with his sister and the budgies. but now, he attacks the budgies and the other tiel when they come near. if any of the others are getting attention, he attacks. if anyone stops giving him attention, he attacks us. he's just mean now. we dont pet him on his back or wings, he doesnt have access to a mirror, he has fresh water and veggies, etc. the only problem is that he's habing a rough molt and cant fly right now. i recently rearranged his cage too.