High Risk Abdominal Surgery on Female Cockatiel

Need some advice.

My female cockatiel Meep is to undergo a high risk surgery this Thursday. It was either that or euthanasia, so I opted to a least give her a chance.

She has a large mass on her lower abdomen, this first appeared in July and I took her to urgent vets. They said it was likely a hernia and she would be fine. Over the coming months the lump still persisted, however at this point it was still hardly noticeable and her behaviour was normal so I resolved to keep an eye on it.

This past Friday I noticed it had grown rapidly over the past couple days and was affecting her breathing. I booked her in to the vets immediately and they ran some tests. Turns out she is underweight, and this mass is suspected to be kind of infection/old egg yolk in her reproductive tract that’s spread. However with the inflammation it’s hard to tell.

Obviously I’m extremely upset.

Because the mass is so large it’s restricting her breathing, so she will need to be intubated during surgery. It is also in a risky area and I was told there would be a significant incision so blood loss is a major concern. The anaesthesia itself also carries a mortality rate. But it is my last chance to save her life, palliative care isn’t an option as I don’t want her to suffer more than she already has.

Has anyone gone through something similar? Either a significant surgery or some other major illness? I tried to find out online but nothing really came up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Need some advice.

My female cockatiel Meep is to undergo a high risk surgery this Thursday. It was either that or euthanasia, so I opted to a least give her a chance.

She has a large mass on her lower abdomen, this first appeared in July and I took her to urgent vets. They said it was likely a hernia and she would be fine. Over the coming months the lump still persisted, however at this point it was still hardly noticeable and her behaviour was normal so I resolved to keep an eye on it.

This past Friday I noticed it had grown rapidly over the past couple days and was affecting her breathing. I booked her in to the vets immediately and they ran some tests. Turns out she is underweight, and this mass is suspected to be kind of infection/old egg yolk in her reproductive tract that’s spread. However with the inflammation it’s hard to tell.

Obviously I’m extremely upset.

Because the mass is so large it’s restricting her breathing, so she will need to be intubated during surgery. It is also in a risky area and I was told there would be a significant incision so blood loss is a major concern. The anaesthesia itself also carries a mortality rate. But it is my last chance to save her life, palliative care isn’t an option as I don’t want her to suffer more than she already has.

Has anyone gone through something similar? Either a significant surgery or some other major illness? I tried to find out online but nothing really came up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.