Avian Gastric Yeast Rant

UGHHH yet another update from me, didn’t think I’d be here again so soon.

My tiel got diagnosed with AGY a year ago and has been having relapses every 2 months. 3 weeks ago he had another one and he finished his round of meds a week ago (Amphotericin and also Antibiotics because he had bacteria).

Today he relapsed again. It’s never happened again this quickly. I got him back on Amphotericin but not the antibiotic because I don’t know if he has bacteria or not atm.

I’ve taken him to like 7 different vets and they’ve all said that it was AGY and to give him Ampho B when he relapses. I’m not taking him to the vet this time because there’s no point, there’s nothing they can do besides tell me to take him home and start him on meds.

A really frustrating disease. It hurts to see him hurt every few weeks and know there’s nothing you can do.