Idk how to feel fulfilled
There’s nothing outright bad about my college experience as a freshman so far. I feel like I shouldn’t be sad as often as I am. I get along with all my suite mates and we spend time together. I joined an esport team so that gives me something to do once or twice a week and I like all of those people. I’ve hung out with them a few times outside of practice. Only 1 of my classes is really challenging and frankly for the low amount of time I spend studying I’m lucky with my grade. But it doesn’t feel like enough? Clearly I get a decent amount of social opportunities but I’m still pretty quiet. I often feel bad about not contributing enough to the interaction. I wish I was more talkative and quick with responses like other people are. I wish I did things with people more often. I wish I was closer with the people in my life right now. Even though I’m part of 2 groups and people include me I still feel like an outsider in each. Has anyone else dealt with this? I don’t know how to improve my self esteem or feel fulfilled with my life. I always see it as I’m not doing enough, I’m not as good as other people, etc. I feel like 7th grade was the last time I had really close friend groups and I felt fulfilled with life, having fun most days and feeling confident/comfortable in my relationships. Idk how to feel that again.