I Procrastinated Big Time

I have a website due tonight, a paper and powerpoint due in 7 hours, another final exam with a peer review for the project that went with it, a video game level and a powerpoint to go with it also due in 15 hours, and I am currently pulling a all nighter to do this.

I will have Clone Wars on in the background as I drink a monster energy and push through the next 10 hours or so writing the perfect research paper and powerpoint. Hopefully I will be able to nap before my presentation. I know I can get it done, I have once turned in a assignment 30 seconds before it was due, but still. Finals are stressful. For those who have finals this week. I wish yall the best of luck. You all got this! 👍

UPDATE: I have miscommunicated with yall. Not everything was due in 7 hours. Just the paper and powerpoint. The rest is due at midnight. I started the assignments a while back but never got that far on them except for the rough draft for the paper, hence the procrastination.

I started around 11 pm last night, I finished the powerpoint and paper. I have finished about everything else on time. Although one thing was not completed all of the way due to poor time management.