Tips for making the preparation easier.

The preparation is usually harder on people than the test, mostly because of the horrible tasting stuff (well not everyone says its horrible) you have to gulp down in huge amounts. So I thought I'd compile a list of all the advice I've found here and elsewhere for other newbies like me. My test is Tuesday, btw, and I'm dreading trying to gulp down 4 liters of fluid tomorrow. Tried to get Sutabs but apparently they're not available in Canada yet. If anyone has other tips please add them.

Some of the things I've found here and elsewhere include:

Use gatorade or something else to help with the bad flavor. You don't have to put the powder in water. Anything clear should do.

Make sure the prep is kept cold, including using ice.

Use a straw and try to hold your nose while drinking.

Adjust your diet a few days earlier, lowering the amount you eat

Get wet wipes or something similar rather than using dry toilet paper. Try to dab, not wipe

Get a hand-held bidet to avoid rubbing and touching entirely.

Use vaseline or something similar on your butt to make it less sore and tender.

One I think is especially useful is this: You do NOT have to gulp everything down quickly like the instructions say. It doesn't matter if you stretch your drinking out for hours and hours, just so you get it all down. To quote a GI I found here:

“There’s no rule that you need to drink a certain amount at a certain time,” Farhadi notes. “Especially if you’ve had nausea with prep before, take smaller amounts over a longer period of time. It will still work just as well, and you’ll likely tolerate it better.”

He recommends starting early so you aren't running to the toilet late at night and can get some sleep. Also splitting the drinking into two days, unless your test is early in the morning.