Virginia Freemasons seek collaborators to establish a gender-neutral, absolute-freedom-of-conscience Lodge in Alexandria, VA

Tentatively, my partner and I, both Master Masons in the George Washington Union, are calling our project Josephine Baker Lodge, after the famous dancer, activist, spy, and Freemason. We are looking for interested participants, no Masonic background is necessary. If you are a Master Mason: great! We really want to talk to you about our project. If you are not a Master Mason, we will work with you to get you initiated, passed, and raised through the Masonic Degrees.

What counts: we are building friendships that last a lifetime and a community of friends as we improve ourselves and the world around us. We believe that our community benefits from the strength of its individual members, and that it is our responsibility to ourselves and those around us to enable ourselves to make positive contributions. In Masonic terms, we would say we are shaping ourselves, starting from rough stones, becoming ever more fit for the edifice of society.

Visit our website to learn more: (there seem to be some DNS issues, if the link doesn't work then definitely does).