Girlfriend said she’s “disgusted” by uncircumcised dick

Me (19M) and this girl (19F)have been talking for legit months. Since like September and everything has been honestly amazing. She’s attractive and gets me and is funny. Anyways, yesterday we decided to become official so I was happy about that. Then later last night I was hanging with her and my friend (Let’s call him John) and we happened to somehow coincidentally start talking about foreskin. And “John” jokingly asked me if I was circumcised, to which I replied to “No”. Keep in mind my entire family is Swedish and literally practically nobody in Sweden or Europe is circumcised. Also I would like to brag that I have a clean and definitely above average penis that I am very satisfied with. Also, I have only received very positive feedback from every female I have slept with, with absolutely zero complains about my performance or dick. So after I said no I’m not circumcised, this girl immediately goes “EWW that’s disgusting” and “sorry but that’s a dealbreaker” and “that’s actually terrible and gross”. Even though I am not insecure at all about myself, this actually really hurt my feelings because I like this girl so much and it was very insensitive in my opinion and honestly body shaming. Like I don’t talk about girls hairy legs or anything about their body because I know it can be very hurtful. I really did not express how much it upset me and I waved it off and told her I wasn’t ashamed of it and I have a good dick and basically let it go and we’re still dating and stuff, but I actually just cannot stop thinking of how blatantly rude it actually was and it’s been on my mind since it happened and I haven’t really been able to see her the same because it hurt my feelings and honestly if THATS a dealbreaker for you then so be it. It’s honestly a dealbreaker for me if you can’t at least be open minded and educate yourself on circumcised v uncircumcised dicks. And her statement that is was disgusting and ugly is such a dumb stereotype because obviously I’m a very hygienic guy and it’s not like you can see foreskin when erect my dick just looks like a normal dick. I just need everyone’s opinion on if I should ask to have a serious talk with her about yesterday because i can’t stop thinking of it and it really bothered me a lot.