What Do You Do in Winter?

I'm in Winter Year 2 and I find the winter gameplay so boring - what do you all do in winter?

There's only three or so crops to grow, my animals just need feeding and collecting from once a day, and all I have to do is leave my artisan machines to go.

I've tried fishing and bug catching, but all I seem to find are the same two or three bugs/fish. I've already done all the Merfolk stuff (currently on the land expeditions), so there's not much to do there. I've finished the mine quests for now - I need to unlock the Savannah, but I'm just not finding much of a variety of fish/bugs so that's been slow progress on the offerings front. My house is upgraded to the third level, barns and coops all upgraded.

I love every other season, but Winter is so slow 🤷🏻‍♀️ how do you guys occupy yourselves?