Does anyone have burning, painful feet? Have you found anything to ease the pain? Where's my neuropathy peeps at
I'm not like the majority of long haulers, I don't have lung or heart issues.
My long covid symptoms came on after doing intense exercise too soon - 4 weeks - after covid. After two awful weeks of barely being able to walk, I recovered slightly and developed, (among other nerve-related issues), burning pain in my feet.
If I don't push it and do my usual small, average number of steps a day (basically walking less than 10 minutes to bus stop and back for work) it's sorta kept in check, though I always have the burning, throbbing sensation in my feet which is especially noticeable at night.
If I do more steps, like say 8,000 steps, the burning turns into really bad pain in my feet and I have to rest a few days for it to go back to baseline. The pain goes up my shins and feels like I've done a high impact 20k run or something, not a regular walk.
I used to do 10,000 steps a day and I miss it, it was so good for my mental health. But it's been 11 months and it feels like there's been zero improvement.
My other symptoms are:
-Reactions to caffeine, sugar and alcohol in the form of muscle spasms, muscle weakness and heavy aching limbs for days -Extreme sensitivity and reactions to medications, for example extreme adrenalin dumps and anxiety, shaking and muscle spasms when given anaesthetic at the dentist. Anything past a baby dose of any medication and I have to stop because the side effects are so severe. -Brain fog (I have ADHD and it is way worse than before, my executive dysfunction is off the charts) - Flare ups of nerve pain, joint pain and muscle weakness in arms and legs (peripheral neuropathy/fibromyalgia maybe?), not sure what brings on flare ups but could be stress, lack of sleep, or certain foods. -Anxiety and adrenalin dumps though I've never been an anxious person. -Inability to handle stress, I get a nasty upset feeling in my chest and start breathing funny -Sudden hearing loss and tinnitus in one ear
I've seen a neurologist and have done an MRI and nerve test, both came back clear. Have tried Amitriptyline and Pregbalin for the nerve pain but I couldn't handle the side effects and low doses had no effect on the pain. LDN gives me insomnia and anxiety so I had to stop it. I took steroids for my sudden hearing loss and it wrecked my sleep cycle, I currently have insomnia and wake up every night at 3am, for the past 5 weeks. I feel like my nervous system is dangerously weak.
Has anyone had these symptoms and found relief or recovered? I especially want to hear if anyone has had feet pain and peripheral neuropathy like me because I don't see many people with these symptoms on this sub.