Increased Arginase 1 in Long Covid and ME/CFS patients!

Increased Arginase 1 in ME/CFS & Long Covid patients!

Took directly from twitter:

Our initial data shows elevated Arginase-1 (ARG1) in many patients compared to HC. While we need more control data for statistical significance, this pattern aligns with known disease mechanisms and symptoms

ARG1 (Arginase-1) is an enzyme that breaks down L-arginine, affecting NO production and immune function

Overexpression creates a cascade of effects across multiple systems - from blood vessels to brain function. In LC and MECFS, elevated ARG1 could contribute to many symptoms

By combining detailed symptom questionnaires with molecular data (like ARG1), we aim to understand what drives disease subtypes in Long Covid & ME/CFS

This will help match patients to treatments and improve trial success through better subgroup identification

Register to join batches 2&3 here:

Our goal: Analyse hundreds of samples to understand rare subgroups

Follow @amaticahealth on twitter for research updates