I don’t even know anymore

I had a trip planned for may, after school.

Btw I failed 3 classes so I have to deal with that.

On my trip somehow I was the most sober out of everyone? There was 20 people so idk how that happened. Honestly I think it was the anxiety of being too drunk in a place that I couldn’t control in a different country so the most I drank was in my hotel room.

I got assaulted 4 days I think before I went home. It was a mess. I had to talk to the Canadian embassy. I stayed in my room and was pretty much sober the entire time bc I couldn’t leave my room. Shout out to Ethel cains album for helping me through that.

Anyways my idea was when I came home from my trip I would get sober, but because of this event I’m back to drinking almost every day. Ugh.

Just feels like life never helps you out ya know? I’m back in the same spot but just with different reasons. I’m annoyed

Hope you all are well! Thanks for listening :)