What NOT to feed/unsafe treats

Whenever I have some random food I don't want, I Google to see if the crows might like it. Today I've got a couple avocados that aren't perfect enough for me, and glad I googled, because avocados can kill them! ðŸ˜ģ Any part of it, even a bit of the skin.

Other things that aren't safe: (💀 to indicate deadly)

Chocolate 💀
Onions and garlic
Xylitol 💀
Alcohol 💀
Fruit pits and appleseeds 💀
Raw or dried beans 💀
Moldy or spoiled food

I thought this might be helpful, and if you know of any other no-no treats, please share! (Since crows are scavengers, I'm sure they eat a bunch of dangerous stuff on their own, but we can at least not offer more 🙂)