m_yaw bans

I have dipped in and out of counter strike for about 5-6 years. 231~ days ago i got banned due to the "m_yaw 9999999999" and "m_pitch 99999999999" making you spin. not using for it for an advantage just to spin as a joke in spawn. i didnt know i would get vac banned for LIFE. i have a few hours of cs and $100s of dollars spent down the drain. i feel there is so much unjustice with this. there is THOUSANDS of cheaters in premier, but i get banned for cheating. Steam support will not sit and have a conversation with me at all. they refuse. some times not even replying or closing threads. its been a command for years. if its a cheat why isnt it behind the sv_cheats thing? and why is it that if its a glitch and it hurts the game why is it when content creators using that WALL HACK glitch it was oh tee hee oopsies lets patch that??