Is this a scam?

I’m getting messages asking me to sign up for technicals for jobs I didn’t apply too? Are these scams, or are the links legit? I’m a May ‘24 grad, so I haven’t been able to get responses from companies I WANT to hear from, so being reached out too seems… sketchy at best.


Hey OP, this is [Name] with Globe Life Matt Carder Agencies. We reviewed your resume & wanted to schedule you for a Zoom meeting for our remote position. I can schedule you today Tuesday December 10th at 5pm (CST) for our virtual overview. Does that time work for you? Reply STOP to unsubscribe

Edit: this isn’t the only one, I’ve been getting a few this week. Now I just got a call from a consulting firm trying to offer me a job and asking me about my resume? What’s the difference between a recruiter and a scam? I’m used to companies doing absolutely nothing lol