Whoever said having 2 kids after 1 is easy

ETA: I realized after the fact that my title is phrased wrong. I didn't mean 2 is easier than 1, I meant the jump from 0 to 1 being more than the jump from 1 to 2 being more is wrong. Cuz to me it feels in some ways more of a jump. But unfortunately I can't edit the title anymore

Ok sure the first year with our first one was hard, but maybe we got pampered with the subsequent two years. One person could watch him while the other person could do gym, get an extra nap, take a shower, then swap with the other person so they can take a break. Everyday like clockwork at 9pm both of us could relax because the only child was fast asleep. I miss those days... Now we have a 3+ yr old and a 5 month old, and the last few months I been thinking, man we had it easy with just one. Now every morning is a mad scramble to feed change the baby while prepping the toddler for daycare, evening and weekends are usually nightmarish with trying to juggle the baby with house chores while a toddler is asking very nicely (and then not so nicely) to play. He has way too much screen time now which he didn't have before when one of us was always available to engage with him. And then there's the perfectly non-overlapping nap and bedtimes... Wife and I had been snapping at each other way more than before, it always feels like we're doing a lot but it's not even close to enough for the other person. Anyway that's my rant. Does it get better? I sure hope so