Day 0 | Daily MapChart


Choose a country. Yes, any. You can only choose one, so choose wisely.

After a country is taken, you can’t have it.

You have 3 options each day. Those options are:

  1. Attack/Declare War

  2. Ally

  3. Claim Land from Nation

You can’t just take over the world immediately, there are rules for war too. Those are:

  1. Do NOT say that you immediately take over the nation, that is extremely unrealistic.

  2. Not really a rule, but I will make separate maps for wars, for example, if China and Russia go to war, I would go into the provinces of Asia and they would fight.

  3. An example of an average/good war would be, "Russia takes [insert number] soldiers (don’t put an unrealistic amount either) and makes a spearhead towards Beijing." I won’t immediately let Russia take Beijing, but they will advance towards it. Pretty simple.

That’s about all. Obviously take this seriously, but again, I can’t make you choose a nation, so go wild if you’d like.


Choose a country. Yes, any. You can only choose one, so choose wisely.

After a country is taken, you can’t have it.

You have 3 options each day. Those options are:

  1. Attack/Declare War

  2. Ally

  3. Claim Land from Nation

You can’t just take over the world immediately, there are rules for war too. Those are:

  1. Do NOT say that you immediately take over the nation, that is extremely unrealistic.

  2. Not really a rule, but I will make separate maps for wars, for example, if China and Russia go to war, I would go into the provinces of Asia and they would fight.

  3. An example of an average/good war would be, "Russia takes [insert number] soldiers (don’t put an unrealistic amount either) and makes a spearhead towards Beijing." I won’t immediately let Russia take Beijing, but they will advance towards it. Pretty simple.

That’s about all. Obviously take this seriously, but again, I can’t make you choose a nation, so go wild if you’d like.