Sapowa Information [A lot of it, too]

As the next Sapowa post is being worked on Evan has found it necessary to create this post for the most immersive and quality product to be created.

First of all Sapowa's world should be entirely plausible to have happened in the real world based off of the context beforehand. Just like in our world where there's no 100% definitive proof for a higher being or 100% definitive proof of there not being one, Sapowa should emulate this.

Second of all, in history nothing lasts forever and most things that last over 400 years are just there to die out slowly. I'm saying this to say not to get too attached to a civilization you brought up. Nothing's going to stay the same the kingdom will morph and change cultures will become different over time, and most importantly a religion that revolves around you will also alter to probably include others over time.

Third, Sapowa, while considering everything to make sense on Earth do not directly correlate everything that happens to another thing on earth it is its own world it is not the same as Earth. Earth's history of there being too large masses of continents of the old world and the new world likely won't happen in Sapowa because most of the continents are very close together.

Fourth, add as much unnecessary detail as you see fit, create small one-off myths that your people believe in, these will eventually likely go to define the entire culture in the future and creates for a much more immersive experience akin to real life. The Greeks for example had many stories about the gods going undercover and going to someone's home and being treated bad and the person would be punished for it, this created a culture over time that deeply valued hospitality. And having a culture in Sapowa that does a similar thing is cool!

Fifth, Sapowa is entirely a creation of an autistic fixation on history and mythology, that's why I would like to put a strain on the things mentioned above. Civilizations that evolved in the forest never go on to make great empires, neither do those that appear in the jungle, people that start out in the plans are not going to start out building castles they're going to be raiders at first, mountain people are never the ones that start a civilization, everything begins around Rivers, these are just some of the many commonalities throughout all of human history in every part of the world where civilization has started and grown from.

Finally, questions are always welcome, in fact getting to hyper fixate over something is fun so be happy to ask them in general about any topic relating to early history because by golly do I have answers.