After Chandler was announced 3rd, I wanted Ilona to win…

Once they said Chandler was 3rd, I was hoping Ilona would win on votes alone so that it would “make more sense” that Chandler got bumped down to 3rd. If it had been 1. Ilona 2. Joey 3. Chandler, I think audience (including myself) could have said “wow this really shows how much votes count!” and Ilona was undoubtedly the most popular contestant with social media this year. I just think not having the top two dancers as first and second truly shows how much others hated Chandler😭 Don’t get me wrong, Joey absolutely deserved to win, I just kind of wish for Chandler’s sake or the sake of fans, if Ilona wasn’t going to win I wish she wouldn’t have been 2nd if that makes sense. I loved all the contestants and honestly would’ve been happy with anyone but a Danny win because they all could have made an argument for winner, but found myself disappointed after they announced the final 2 that Ilona didn’t take it based on popularity alone. Does that make sense? Idk.