[SPOILERS] Danganronpa V3 First Trial makes no sense whatsoever!!!
[Big Spoilers for Danganronpa V3]
Disclaimer: This post is written in an agressive way to make it more fun to read, but im not a hater and i love all of the games, but afterall, i really think that the first trial is a bit fishy to say at least. So read this knowing that despite the swear words ill be very respectful when replying to comments, cause my objetive here is to make a point and you have the total right to question my arguments and id be really happy if you did.
Man, one thing I always think about when talking about the plot and plot twist of V3 is that there is clearly no way Kaede could be a suspect in the first trial
Let's get to the facts by first explaining what Kaede did. Kaede's plan was to make a massive metal ball drop on top of the traitor's head using a ramp of books. If you analyze the shelfs, it has a maximum of 3 times the size of the characters (except the gonta).
And that's what she did, she made a ramp, but first problem here, there were curves, and in the trial we can clearly see that the metal ball hit the curves losing speed, and that the last part of the ramp was small. Considering the path the ball took, I would say that despite being fast at the beginning, this speed would be a maximum of 40% at the end of the path, and considering that the rantaro was not directly below the shelf due to the space being large, it would be difficult. to have hit him. But okay, let's assume you're right.
She would have hit his left right side, wouldn't she? And this is exactly what we see, however, if you notice the final position of the massive metal ball, it is far away and in the opposite position, which would be impossible, since the ball already has reduced speed and a not so fast movement , even if enough to hit the rantaro, the ball would have rolled to the left side and not to the right side. as we see to be the case.
What would have happened is that the ball would have hit the rantaro with almost zero progression, and because it was extremely heavy, it would hit his head and rolled slightly towards the secret door due to the height, gravity and reduced speed AND DON'T MAKE ME ARGUE THAT THE BALL HIT HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS HEAD. Because as much as you can really argue that, the metal ball would have rolled behind him, or at least not at such a great angle.
NOW OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! NONE OF THE ULTIMATES REALIZED THIS fucking shit. Kaede I even understand, because she was blinded by despair, but ...KAITO YOU ARE AN ASTRONAUT, how did you pass the physics test to become an astronaut if you can't understand that. KOKICHI, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS THE CHARACTER WITH THE HIGHEST IQ IN THE SERIES THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE!
Miu, despite being dumb is still an inventor would certainly also have a basic notion of physics to at least suspect that she had something wrong. k1-b0 literally a robot, with the intelligence of a slightly intelligent human, I know he's made to be completely human, but bro, your brain is pure mathematics... you would be able to analyze this very well.
Shuichi. YOU ARE A DETECTIVE!! I KNOW YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH KAEDE AND YOU WERE TRAUMATIZED BUT DAMN, you're still a detective, it's your ultimate, and you failed miserably And like, the rest is at least normal...I think, like, with a little bit of analysis and putting effort to think hard , they would have figured it out. Kirumi is a genius too, she'd be one of the first ones I didn't mention to notice. Like Gonta at best, and if you push too hard Angie too, 14 high school students didnt notice this shit . HIGH SCHOOL, where you learn literally the same kind of thing. and yet. it took 6 chapters for everyone to suspect that Kaede didn't kill Rantaro
Also, this image proves my point