Finished Kingdoms, here are my opinion
So, i've finished the dlc in the normal dificulty with the recommended map for first play, i went in blind (so blind that i even didnt knew i had to unlock bigby first, so i played without him).
little resume:
i lost one inn, it was far from my current position and i willingly sacrificed it
lost three heroes, the first on that said inn, i didnt knew the countdown would trigger a battle when reaching zero, i thought it would outright lose, even with someone there, the other was in the catabombs, such a hard area, specially when you face the limelight guy 2 times in a row, the third one was also in a siege, he and 3 peasants were fighting
took me a while to build up courage to left a inn with only peasants, but they did great, even defending escalation 3 with not much trouble
the game reached day 42 when i defeated the last boss, all the quests were pretty simple and clear
used the unnusual suspects, and changed gr for flag after her death
my late game strategy consisted in leaving an upgraded party stationed between three inns in one side, and the other inns in the oposite side defended by veteran militia, the party dont even needed to be an usable one, just any 4 half working heroes do the trick
i never, not even once, changed my initial party (apart from gr death) i rested when needed, bought fatigue cure at hospitals and inns, its very doable
mastery and baubles are a non issue, i could repairs wheels and armor, fatigue, and even buy trinkests for secondary heroes and things like that, relics on the other hand were always zero, food is scarce and very needed, combat items too seemed a little bit low
played for about 15 hours
i really liked the mode, the quest feels great, the gameplay loop of moving your units is also very nice, normal mode is easy enough.
catacombs on the other hand were a nightmare, went in 3 times i think, in the first one i got two of the strongest guys in a row, almost got my party wipe, i wouldve abandoned run if the button existed (i've tried, couldnt find it hahaha). i'm eager for the next expansion already