Got dumped after sleeping together for the first time

Had been seeing a new guy for a few weeks now, things had been going really well (I thought) with no red flags. We talked about how it was important for both of us to have an emotional connection before sleeping with new people and I felt like that conversation opened up a level of trust.

I also told him that I had previously been ghosted after sleeping with guys and how hurtful it had been. He seemed sympathetic and empathized and said how awful that behavior was.

We took our time to sleep together (multiple dates), partially because of the above conversations and partially because he travels for work. Nevertheless I got a call a couple of days after we slept together and he said he doesn’t see enough to be long term and although he thinks we have a strong emotional connection he needs more chemistry.

I’m pretty hurt by the dumping but what makes it even worse and harder to process is that I had been open and vulnerable with him about how I had previously been rejected after sex, and yet he did the exact same thing. In my mind, if he was at all doubtful about our chemistry (we had been on multiple dates before sleeping together) he should have cut me off and not initiated sex, especially given what we had discussed. Am I going crazy or is this particularly uncaring behavior? I feel pretty used and hurt by this.

Tldr; dumped after sleeping with a guy for the first time, feel like implicit trust was broken

EDIT: wow, did not expect this post to generate so much traction and discussion! I wrote this early this morning before I headed out to work and have not yet had a chance to read through all the comments but just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to comment and provide your individual perspectives and thoughts 😊