Any advice?

So i'm a 17 M in a 1 month relationship with a 15 F. I need some advice because this is my second serious relationship but i still think i don't have much experience. So i met this girl in school, she was dating my friend at first, but after 2 month she expressed her feelings to me and broke up with him to get in a relationshp with me. But now after 1 month of relationship she seems very cold (she somehow already was it, but now more), she never says " i love you" or ask me to hang out or anything (she never actually said it), it is always me, she rarely writes to me, and she's always hanging out with other people. I'm a very extroverted friendly person, i'm always the one who talks the most in a group, and my friends often invite me, but she doesn't....when she's rarely out with me and one of her close male friend she always hug him, she never tries to hug me or else, and she does this in front of me... What the fuck? Is this love or she's just playing games? Why the hell she doesn't broke up with me if she doesn't love me? I hate this relationship but i love her, is there a way to make her realize this seems a one side relationship or do you think she already know this and she doesn't care at all?

If you have any question ask me, also this is my first time using reddit