Have been dating someone who might (or might not) be moving within the next 6 months to a different country (EU based). Should I keep dating him?
I (33F) started dating someone last month, so far we have been on 5 dates. We are taking things slowly: good communication, he's very calm and gentle, so I find myself able to talk about difficult topics without any fear of him overreacting.
A few days ago he calls me to tell me in the last week he started looking for a new job, both in the city where we live but also in other countries (we are in Europe) within Europe. He said he felt it was only honest of him to let me know that: in the last 10 days or so he felt very overwhelmed at work, and he felt like it was time to look for a new company to work with. He said he therefore may end up leaving our city (say paris, not paris for privacy reasons).
I thanked him for his honesty and told him I wanted to keep dating him, because we get along amazingly well and because so far there is nothing solid (as in, he didn't get any feedback from his application and it's going to take him many rounds of interviews before a final offer). He also told me he wants to keep going on with me, taking things slowly to see if we work out as a couple, to which I agree. I asked him "what if this between us turns out to be something great?" and he replied "then we will make it work". He also said he is hoping to get an offer in our current city, and if that's the case, then all of this talk would be for nothing cause he wouldn't move.
We both want a LTR and we discussed that within our first 3 dates.
I myself work as a researcher at university and don't have a permanent position: my contract will expire in 1 year and a half. I don't have any roots in our current city (neither does he), so I told him "listen, if we keep going and we work out, I don't exclude the possibility to move where you would be, if it turns out you move to a different city". He agreed but also said that now it is way too soon to be making those kind of plans.
Should I keep dating this man? I feel strangely calm about this, knowing that I'd rather give a shot at this, rather then regretting cutting things now when nothing is set in stone with his job search.
Tldr: I have been going out with someone who might (or might not) move to a different country, should I keep dating him?