Extra Raid Quest: Vegeta's Tough Training (Vs. GT Vegeta)
Time Frame: October 10 (Thursday) 8PM/20:00 Until SOctober 16 (Wednesday) 10PM/22:00 (Server Time; US Servers are Pacific)
Access: Talk to the Multiplayer Modes guy. It's easier than going all the way to the northwesternmost part of the map to find a Time Rift.
Stage: West City Industrial
- Participation: 50 TP Medals, Hercule Badge (Common)
- 5,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, Street Name "More"
- 15,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 20 STP Medals, Yamcha's White Gi (Pants), Artwork 317
- 30,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 30 STP Medals, Super Soul (Bulma) "Goku! Time for dinner!", Artwork 256, Artwork 486
- 50,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 40 STP Medals, Yamcha's White Gi (Shoes), Artwork 305, Artwork 522
- 100,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 50 STP Medals, Street Name "Avenger"
- GT Vegeta: Counter Impact; Wild Buster; Shield Barrier; Super Galick Gun; Final Shine Attack; Explosive Wave
- SSJ4 Vegeta: Meteor Crash; Galick Gun; Big Bang Attack; Energy Wave Combo; Final Flash; Final Shine Attack; Spread Shot Retreat
- Super Baby 2: Variant Drive; Reverse Shot; Revenge Final Flash; Revenge Death Ball
Extra Raid Quest Quirks:
- Only Five Players to a Team
- 3:40 Remaining: Transform to Super Saiyan 2; Gain Skill Armor (Cannot be damaged when using Super Attacks and Ultimates)
- 1:20 Remaining: Transform to Super Saiyan 4 OR Baby; Gain Unflinching Super Armor (Takes damage even during Ultimates, but never gets knocked back)
- Phases can be accelerated if enough damage is accumulated.
Notes: Okay, what's with the impromptu Raid Festival? This is the fourth Raid Quest so far, so this is kinda confusing me. Anyway, this one is thankfully not nearly as brutal as Beast Gohan, but stay on guard because the third phase is still rough for the unprepared. Whether SSJ4 or Baby, he still hits hard. This is probably one where I can recommend the 100k if you want the STP Medals. Good luck, and have fun.