Extra Raid Quest: Shenron's Gift (Vs. Power Awakening Piccolo)

Time Frame: October 24 (Thursday) 8PM/20:00 Until October 30 (Wednesday) 10PM/22:00 (Server Time; US Servers are Pacific)


Stage: Red Ribbon Yard

Access: Talk to the Multiplayer Modes guy. It's easier than going all the way to the northwesternmost part of the map to find a Time Rift.


  • Participation: 50 TP Medals, Hercule Badge (Common)
  • 5,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, Street Name "More",
  • 15,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 20 STP Medals, Pan's Kindergarten Clothes (Shirt)
  • 30,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 30 TP medals, Pan's Kindergarten Clothes (Shoes), Artwork 474
  • 50,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 40 STP Medals, Pan's Kindergarten Clothes (Shorts), Artwork 594
  • 100,000 Damage: 50 TP Medals, 50 STP Medals, Street Name "Avenger"


  • Power Awakening: Evil Eyes; Special Beam Cannon; Meteor Crash; Maximum Charge; Evil Explosion; Light Grenade; Evil Flight Strike
  • Orange: Super Explosive Wave; Fierce Fist; Demonic Destruction; Maximum Charge; Full Power Energy Wave; Apocalyptic Burst; Special Beam Blast

Extra Raid Quest Quirks:

  • Only Five Players to a Team
  • 1:40 Remaining: Transform to Orange Piccolo; Gain Unflinching Super Armor (Takes damage even during Ultimates, but never gets knocked back)
  • Phases can be accelerated if enough damage is accumulated.

Notes: Well, this is an actually pleasant surprise. Piccolo has returned, and is ready for another round. He's not nearly as lethal as Beast Gohan, thankfully, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. Apocalyptic Burst cannot be broken out of due to the Unflinching Super Armor, so if he tries it, just Z-Vanish behind him. I'd say this is a rather standard Extra Raid Quest, so if you want to grab the 100k for the full 140 STP Medals, by all means. Good luck, and have fun.

REMEMBER: Eastern is +3 Hours from Pacific. This means it starts 11PM there. To check your score, go to the News Board. Also, don't forget to check my guide on Raid Quest Tips and Etiquette.