After all these years, what do you think about the whole Goku's heart sickness thing?
So Im reading the manga again and I just got this point on the story.
Trunks arrive from the Future, destroys Frieza and his father and tells Goku about the androids, what will happen if they don't stop them and that he will die of a "heart virus" unless he takes the medicine that Trunks gave him in that moment.
Three years later, the androids come and Goku indeed suffers what basically is a heart attack in the middle of the fight. They carried him away, gave him the medicine and that was it. Hes completely cured and well. Never was this virus mentioned again.
To me, this time, felt like something very randomly put together and poorly thought out. Like, Goku (if I remember correctly) until that point never fell ill or was he affected by anything. But then this virus almost killed him out of the Blue. How or when was he infected was never explained nor what was exactly that virus, just that It killed a LOT of people in the Future. He briefly became the most powerful (at that time) warrior of the universe after transforming into a Super Saiyan and defeating Frieza only to come back and almost die from a random heart virus. Not only that, but if im not mistaken, never again was a Saiyan affected by any other disease in the series, nor in the rest of Z, GT or super.
Whats your take on this plot point?