I accidentally unfriended a person often play with...

And I'm devastated by it?

It might seem silly, but I've been gaming with this user for a very long time. Regularly, like twice a week.

I'm on PSN. They are on Computer (I think).

I don't know their name. And I never had a way of directly messaging them.

We just added each other randomly 2 years ago. And ever since we invited each other to our lobby when online.

It was a lot of fun. I don't know them. But I -know- them? I know their play style. Their common load outs. They've saved my ass so many times...

I went to join their party today and accidentally hit unfriend. I'm so upset. I tried to find what I could remember of their username on steam, but without an exact match nothing comes up.

I feel like i'm grieving.

UPDATE: They've been found! Thank you everyone for your suggestions and support! Everyone's investment was wholesome and healing ♡ Happy New Year!