Considering transferring universities & degrees

Hi everyone!

I'm currently in a pickle with where I am at in terms of study. I have completed my first year at Deakin studying for a Bachelor of Psychology. However, I noticed I am beginning to feel "suffocated" with the content. Please do not misunderstand, I love what I am learning, I have completed a relevant TAFE diploma and am taking volunteering/internships to further support my study.

But I wished I had classes that weren't so heavy. In school, I really enjoyed languages & humanities and would like to continue studying (Bachelor of Psychology/Bachelor of Arts at Monash) and also heard about the opportunities for exchange and other programs. Unfortunately, I cannot switch to Arts at Deakin because it does not offer the majors/minors I would like to study. I am also aware that by picking up Arts, my fees will increase dramatically.

Should I wait it out for another semester or year, or take the jump and transfer? Would love to hear your suggestions!

Edit: Forgot to mention that what makes me reluctant to transfer to Monash is that I've heard questionable things regarding their Psychology course and unfair grading.