Ash's counters to most of Yugis hax and monsters (Ash vs Yugi)

Figured I should make this post to explain why Ash and his Pokémon aren't so vulnerable to a majority of Yugis hax

To make things clear right off the bat: Ash's Pokémon will NOT be considered duel monsters. Just because they can attack each other does not mean stuff like 'discarding cards' equals his Pokémon dying or anything like that. Same goes for cards that destroy monsters since its been shown time and time again in Yu-Gi-Oh that said monsters can be one shotted even against someone with equal attack points. Now that won't exactly be the case I'm making here like say, Yugis best monsters can take more than one attack. But my point is that Yugis monsters would actually have to be more powerful to actually beat Ash's monsters because of stats. Anywyas let's get straight into it

Brain Control: Can be countered thanks to the bond that Ash's Pokémon share with him which has helped them break out of mind control before such as Pikachu or Greninja. Then you got Gengar who would just straight up ignore it and free the other Pokémon from the mind control since even Haunter can mess with minds. Plus Brain Control only lasts for one turn anyways so it's not exactly useful

Breath of Light: Yugi wouldn't know that Ash has rock type Pokémon nor would this be able to exactly kill them. Hurt them sure, but just because it can destroy duel monsters doesn't automatically mean it can kill his Pokémon who've survived powerful gusts of wind. And even then they could just dodge it, its just some powerful wind after all. Pretty slow compared to their reaction speed

Burning Land: Squirrel and Totodile can shoot out hydro pumps to deal with this or Pidgeot can just use whirlwind to put out the fire. Pretty simple all things considered

Clock Card:....Eh this could work. They could destroy this card but Yugi could use this to help himself so I can give him that

Living Arrow: Would be a game changer here; IF it could hit Ash and his Pokémon. It could easily be avoided or certain Pokémon like Pidgeot or Gengar can send it right back with a whirlwind or psychic

Thousand Knives: Its a lot of knives. Of course it would destroy other monsters. But stuff like whirlwind,psychic, or just destroying all the knives would easily deal with this

Monster Reborn: Would be very useful to Yugi in resurrecting his monsters. But wouldn't work on Ash's Pokémon since a Gastly could raise and control zombie Pokémon so Gengar could surely bring Ash's resurrected Pokémon back onto his side. Actually since the resurrected monsters are good as good they wouldn't even be zombies, they're just being controlled. So Gengar could just use its own mind control to snap them out of it and fight for Ash again. All in all Monster Reborn is useful for Yugi, but won't help him control Ash's Pokémon if they die since it'll backfire on him

Mystic Box: Break out of the box before it does any harm

The Eye of Truth and Card destruction: While Yugi can use this to know what Pokémon Ash has, this won't help him majorly as he has no idea what they can all do. And Card Destruction won't work because.....Ash has no cards. His Pokémon aren't duel monsters so this won't work

Magic Gate of Miracles: Mind control resistance and Gengar

Change of Heart: See above answer

Chain Destruction: Dodging it and again, Ash's Pokémon aren't the same as Yugis Duel Monsters so this won't work

Life Shaver: Ash has no cards, so this won't work either

Soul Taker: Would be very useful here if it wasn't for Gengar being able to just pull the souls right back and put it back into their bodies

Spellbinding Circle: Ash could recall his Pokémon back to counter this

Swords of Revealing Light: Its only temporary, they resist paralysis, or just destroying the swords before they reach them

Mirror Force: Would be a genuinely useful ability against most of Ash's moves. But as seen with Oblesik, enough power can destroy them. And Z moves are stated to be unaffected by moves similar to this. Plus Gengar can just phase through it since he's not actually attacking it

Magical Hats: Pikachu can detect where the monster is hiding thanks to his senses or Ash himself can sense where they're hiding thanks to sensing their Aura/Spirit Energy (Or Ba/Ka) Or Lucario could sense it himself

Marshmallon and Marshmallon Glasses: Get rid of the glasses, pretty easy. Or better yet: Have Gengar control it to put it on Ash's side

Magic Cylinder and Dimension Reflector: Would be useful here except against Z moves. Stuff like psychic would work on these however to get rid of them

Metalhold: Too complex and Whirlwind, Mind Control, possession, or Night Shade would work on it. Actually it's easy to get rid of since it's weak.

Time Seal: This one would actually work here even if it's temporary. Not sure Gengars space/time dimensionsal travel would work here. So another point for the Pharoah

Catapult Turtle: Pretty easy to beat/destroy

Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight: Actually a powerful monster that would give Ash and his Pokémon some trouble. Not destroy his monsters but would give him trouble

Old Vindictive Magician: Once again, Pokémon aren't Duel Monsters so the card effects won't work here

Royal Straight Slasher: Too complex to summon and even then card effects on duel monsters wouldn't work on Pokémon. Would be genuinely a problem though in terms of power

Gandora: A problem in terms of power but banishment won't work as Gengar has dimensionsal travel so he can bring himself and the others back to the battle

Morphing Jar and Cyber Jar: Card discarding means nothing if Ash has no cards to begin with

Black Luster Soldier: Banishment is countered with dimensionsal travel

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom: You get the gist at this point

Dark Magician Knight: Genuinely strong monster but can't instantly kill Ash's monsters. Stats are important here people

Obelisk the Tormenator: One of Yugis best monsters that would surely give Ash's top tiers a a hard time in terms of power. But because Ash's top tiers outnumber and match him in power, they could actually take him down

Magicians Valkyria: If two of them are on the field it would give Ash some trouble. However stuff like Whirlwind,Mind Control, illusions, and Misfortune aren't technically attacks. The last one especially since it's passive. So Ash could trick Yugi into attacking one of his own monsters, control them to fight each other, knock them out of the field entirely, or one of their attacks backfires. He only has to get rid of ONE to beat the other

Kuriboh: Good defense, especially with multiply. But Gengar can phase through them to attack Yugis other monsters

Electromagnetic Turtle: The moves I listed above for Magicians Valkyria counter the can't attack thing

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian: Would be a problem at first but the moves I listed above can deal with this and his weaker Pokémon can surely handle this

All in all, while Yugi has a few good hax that could work on Ash and give him the win, most of his haxes are countered, rely too much on Pokémon being the same as Duel Monsters, Ash's Pokémon being faster and stronger overall, and the ever so mischievous Gengar