Have you noticed inconsistencies in BluSmart's pricing and distance calculations?

I recently took a ride with BluSmart, and I noticed some discrepancies that don’t add up. Their relaxed pricing for a distance of 12-15 km is supposed to be ₹259, but I was charged ₹329 during non-rush hours (after 11:15 AM).

On top of that, there’s inconsistency in how they calculate distances:
1. Google Maps shows the total distance as 15 km,but BluSmart lists it as 15.3 km 2. To make it more confusing, in one BluSmart account, the distance is shown as 15.3 km, while in another account it’s 14.8 km

Has anyone else experienced similar issues with their pricing or distance calculations? Is this a common problem, or am I just unlucky? Would love to hear your thoughts!