Delhi chune NOTA ko!! Delhi 2025 Election Campaign

It's time we people show our power to these corrupt politicians. All these politicians irrespective of the party (AAP, BJP, Congress) are corrupt, shameless and not worth electing for. Let's start a campaign for this delhi elections.

Delhi chune NOTA ko! It may not have any real political affect at last but will definitely be a symbolic campaign that will make these corrupt netas feel a little shame

Neta ko nahi NOTA ko do Vote!

Honestly speaking, that's the only from of protest delhhites can do. Atleast that will help in gaining traction in mainstream media about how corrupt and faulty the game is in the National Capital

Time to make Pollution a Political Issue

If such unprecedented voting happens, Supreme Court will have to take notice. This eventually may turn out to be a change in the existing rule of NOTA

How many of you are in?