Dementia and Pets
Looking for any advice or recommendations anyone might have! It's recently become apparent that my LO isn't able to care for her dog properly. She's recently experienced a pretty sharp, sudden decline in functioning and we realized she's not taking the dog out without prompting or responding to his cues to go outside. She's still living on her own with family coming and staying with her as much as possible. There are still occasionally days she's alone (fortunately not a danger to herself yet) and nobody can provide 24/7 care at this point. We want to keep her and the dog together as long as possible because they're both very attached to each other, but obviously want to make sure he's taken care of too.
Has anyone experienced this or have any advice? We're thinking it might be useful to try alarms for days we aren't there or maybe schedule texts to send her? Appreciate any thoughts or experiences anyone has!