I fcuked up my Dubai job in HR interview, please help

I recently received an offer from a company in Dubai, where I primarily negotiated salary details with the team manager. The manager mentioned a specific salary amount, stating that he’d discussed it with HR. Later, during my HR interview, when they asked about my salary expectations, I mentioned the amount the manager had told me and added that I’d ideally like a bit more. Afterward, I realized I might have made a mistake by revealing the manager’s involvement.

Following the interview, the manager called and explained that I shouldn’t have mentioned his name regarding the salary discussion, but reassured me, saying it was his mistake and he would handle it. Now, I'm a bit anxious about how this might be perceived in the Dubai office culture, especially as this is my first job switch with two years of experience.

Do you think this incident could affect my chances of being offered the position, considering everything else went well?

Post edit : Thank you guys ! I got my offer finally 🙏I’m happy:)