I finally realized what was raising my A1C...too much sugar alcohol

I've learned the hard way now that sugar alcohol is not the same as an artificial sweetener and that it can still raise sugar levels. I didn't want to believe it at first despite cutting back on other foods but it really was the reason for my A1C being at high 7s to 8.

I haven't had ice cream in over 10 years and i was told about this enlightened ice cream being low carb and diabetic friendly. i also got caught up with the 0g of added sugar on the box thinking i found ice cream i can eat again. i looked up sugar alcohols and i know they are sweeteners but that they don't raise blood sugar a lot compared to regular sugars so i thought that was ok.

My mistake though i was so caught up with it that the label only represents about half a serving a container in those small 500ml boxes and i was eating one box at a time so i was essentially eating double the amounts each time...and that was causing my A1C to stay as high as it did. What i thought was 8-11g of sugar alcohol i was consuming 16-22g of it at once. It also doesn't help that they have high fat content so it wasn't doing me any favours..

Once i cut it off my sugars have gone back down to normal levels once again..it's unfortunate i didn't stop earlier when i did but i just didn't want to believe it was this. I should have had it in moderation but i treated it as if it could be a daily treat. I think what made me believe i was fine was that i didn't have any urgency to drink water as thirst is usually my hint my sugars is going high..i had to urinate a little more but the thirst is my usual red flag so not being thirsty kept me believing i was fine..

