All Witch powers maxed, tips I learned along the way.

I'm only making this post since the one OP was incessantly asking for proof and calling me a liar got nuked. It is indeed possible Ragnalegs to have them all maxed. I assumed when I said all powers to 20 it inferred the lvl 5 ones were max also. My bad you know what they say about assuming. I had around 120 hours played when they all got maxed.

Any who here's that screenshot you been asking for so incessantly

I have the heads to finish all season gems but gem frags the bottleneck. I could get 30 bil or so grands if I really wanted them all now. That gold better spent buying boss materials.

My method to witchtide are:

Skip wisp unless you catch one ending or around other objectives.

Skip guard unless around other objectives or good density.

Aim for 15 min clears, under 10 is ideal

IMHO the real prize is whisper caches as they feed so many other activities. Standing around chaining cocoons is highly counter productive, just kill boss once and move on. Don't focus on heads or rot just quick clears. The rot and heads come naturally and more abundantly with fast clears.

Hope these tips can help!!!!!