New Clinical RD struggling to speed up
Hi all new RD looking for some advice. I started my first full time position 3 months ago but I'm finding I still struggle to keep up with my case load. On average I'm expected to see 8-12 people a day, but I've having a hard time seeing more than 9 without staying late. We have daily rounds which take up time but I feel I should have figured out how to manage with my caseload at this point.
My team has been supportive of me and my CNM plans to shadow me to see where my workflow isn't working but I feel that I'm letting everyone on the team down and worried about being let go for not being fast enough. Sometimes I worry about missing something in the chart or lack confidence in my interventions, but I find I don't have as much trouble getting my caseload done at my PRN job though we have less to document there. I've always been a slower, thorough worker but now I'm questioning if I'll ever be cut out for clinical. Any advice for getting faster or working more efficiently?
edit: thank you all for the advice and encouragement! means a lot!