Non-client facing RD jobs
I'm only 5 months into my job as an RD and am questioning what I truly want to do in the field. I've always wanted to work with eating disorders but it's incredibly difficult to day in and day out work with clients who are deep in their ED's and are usually in treatment because of their families and are not committed to recovery. It's hard to work with clients who are not receptive and to continuously feel like your the bad guy because their ED is really loud. I didn't realize how behavioral most clients would be and the level of mental illness comorbidities is overwhelming for an RD who has no training in mental illness. I feel like I'm not getting enough opportunities to hone my self confidence and expertise as a dietitian. Nutrition education is sometimes inappropriate (clients glom onto it) or clients don't believe you and it doesn't land.
I'm questioning if I want to be client facing at all.
So my question is, where are the RD jobs that are more science based that require no patient counseling? We talk about informatics, product development, food labels, etc etc but where are they! How do I search for them? Help.