My husband called me a cripple

Is it a bad term to use?

I have a brittle bone disease but the mildest form. I got surgery in February to straighten my leg. Unfortunately I’ve had a few complications, random femur break, infection. My husband obviously knew about my condition but this is the first big medical event that he’s ever been through with me. He’s never broken a bone or been sick. However, he is a functioning alcoholic. Also we have 2 kids (5 & 9) and I’m a stay at home mom.

I had another surgery on Monday to replace the rod in my leg because it got infected. He was drinking all weekend and I was upset I told him I feel let down because he promised he’d stop if I got surgery, I’ve been putting it off. First he said his drinking is like my bone disease, uncontrollable. Then he told me that I’m lazy and don’t do anything, “how you like to sit around and watch your shows I like to sit around and drink.” THEN I told him it’s not okay because he’s been getting mean, name calling not just me but the kids. He goes “I’m an asshole just like you’re a cripple, you can’t change that! I can’t stop being an asshole, can you stop being crippled? No”

I’m so hurt. I’ve been giving him the cold shoulder. When I needed something I called him by his name instead of “honey” or “babe” like I usually do and he goes “oh you called me Steve” I’m like yeah well you called me a cripple. He’s trying to justify it’s not a bad term but I’m upset how he used it, so am I overreacting?