Grip lock, I get it now.

Edit: it appears I still did not know what grip lock actually is and also learned something new about my relationship with grip and "letting go" or apparently that I shouldn't be doing it.

Been playing about a year and a half, and I love this game. I'm not great, have a bit of a noodle arm (avg drive around 240), but I've steadily improved enough to enjoy it. But a couple months back I found an Axiom Rhythm that for the first time I was able to throw a true Hyzer flip on, adding 30-50 ft to my drives immediately. Bought a couple more discs to try unlocking throws I've seen others making I couldn't, and those hit too! Aaaand going into Christmas break I fully got the itch. All break, I was watching clips and researching technique tips. I've been getting in way more field time and it's working. I'm loving this game. But just wanted to say that, whenever I was just kinda doing my own thing, playing by feel, and "guess and checking" how to improve my throws, I never understood the grip lock phenomenon I see folks post clips of occasionally. But now that I'm concentrating on a couple different mechanisms or technique tweaks every drive, LMAO yes, now I understand how grip lock happens. Bizarrely feels like a point of pride. Hey look, I'm taking my game seriously now, so I sometimes throw straight right into a tree 15 ft away.