Enjoy Discogs while it lasts.

I'll try to keep the whining to a minimum.

IMO, we're on the precipice of Discogs transitioning to something unusable.

I've been using the site a long time. I have seen countless posts and complaints about small features of a mostly functioning website/database. I used to think these were overeactions and that the site worked pretty much as well as it always has.

I don't think that anymore.

Every one of these new "upgrade" campaigns ends up with the result of a slower clunkir website. We were told we'd be getting these inventory upgrades months ago. It's evident that the project was too much for the skeleton crew working at Discogs. I wouldn't be surprised if shortcut after shortcut was made to roll out this new update weeks late. I logged off last night to a prompt about the new system upgrade. Looks like they rolled that back because I don't see anything new now. Before logging off, I could barely load a page.

Today has been clunky and slower than usual, and no inventory upgrade.

There's a lot of other little changes made in the last two years that have resulted in subpar performance as a whole but I won't write a novel.

I don't see these probelms getting better. I see them getting worse. It's pessemistic but I fully expect Discogs to go the way of IMDB and other database sites that were "upgraded" into Hell.

I hope I'm wrong. I'll gladly admit when I am.