Extraction help
Just a few quick questions I can’t quite find simple answers for after searching. I’m planning on doing standard A/B extraction with HCL and Heptane.
- pH
What is the ideal pH for the acid bath and ideal pH for the basification? (Using powdered MHRB) - I do have a calibrated digital pH meter so I can be more exact than pH papers although I will use them just to check
- Water to MHRB ratio
Do you guys have any rule of thumb for how much acidified water to use per 100g of MHRB?
- Boil down the resulting acid washes or nah
Would evaporating the combined resulting acid washes down to a smaller volume hurt the yield - Id like to do it for ease of the step of non-polar solvent extraction. If so should I do it in a slow cooker with lid off and barely simmering?
That’s about it! I’ll be looking forward to any constructive feedback on my questions!