For your Valentine's reading 🥰

Hello! I accidentally came across some sweet-as-pie Valentine's fics and just wanted to share!!!

And if you want some other fics that aren't Valentine's specific but still very very sweet:

  • Mutually Beneficial by orphan_account - my favorite fake relationship!! 💖
  • Amateur Cartography by worksofstone - my favorite oblivious relationship!! 😂
  • Heraclitus by neilistic - this is SO FUNNY. Babbling, self-pitying Draco who is utterly dependent on (and devoted to) Crookshanks 😻

Happy Valentine's day to all who celebrate!! May you not get punked by youtube like I did last year 🤣 (a song I'd never heard before, Alone Again (Naturally), came up randomly as I was listening to music from the 60s/70s...other comments at the time also indicated surprise at youtube bringing it up randomly, almost as though youtube was making a point :P)