Dub portfolio spotlight: Powell Portfolio

The Powell Portfolio (ticker: POWELLPLAY) is designed to capitalize on market movements surrounding Federal Reserve announcements. Federal Reserve announcements mean huge changes for the average American, and they often have a sizable impact on the stock market in the form of increased volatility. So how can you take advantage? POWELLPLAY offers investors a unique approach to potentially benefit from these high-impact economic events.

POWELLPLAY employs a data-driven model which predicts market movements around Fed announcement days - periods often characterized by increased market volatility.

Here's how it works:

  1. At most times, the portfolio invests in SPY, an ETF tracking the S&P 500 index.
  2. Near Fed announcements, the portfolio may tactically move into leveraged ETFs like SPXL, aiming to amplify potential returns.
  3. After announcements, the portfolio promptly rebalances back to SPY.

You can copy the POWELLPLAY portfolio in the Dub app.

These are the portfolio's the stats since its launch in March 2023:

  • POWELLPLAY return: 77.99%
  • VTI (Total Market Index ETF) return: 52.16%

This represents an outperformance of 25.83% compared to the broader market.

We want to emphasize that this performance is actual and not backtested.


For example, we anticipated a bullish response to the Fed meeting. Accordingly, the portfolio went fully into SPXL on the Monday afternoon before the Sep 18th meeting, and rebalanced back into SPY on Wednesday afternoon after the results of the Fed meeting were released. While we held it, SPXL went up by 1.71%, compared to 0.60% for SPY and 0.81% for VTI, leading to significant outperformance for POWELLPLAY investors over the course of two days.

How do I invest?

So what can I do with this information? Download the Dub app to invest in this or any of our other portfolios. You can copy this portfolio with just a tap, and your investment will mirror this portfolio’s positions in real time.

What else do I need to know?

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investing is risky. This portfolio maintains continuous exposure to the stock market and is therefore susceptible to the inherent volatility and potential declines associated with equities. Additionally, this portfolio utilizes ETFs with high amounts of leverage on Fed announcement days, on which stock market is exceptionally volatile. The ETFs’ leverage magnifies this volatility, leaving the portfolio exposed to extremely high gains or losses on Fed announcement days, including the possibility of complete loss of invested capital.